Tahoe Home Retrofit Workshop
July 10th, 2020University of Nevada, Reno Extension and University of California Cooperative Extension present this free virtual workshop to educate residents on how to harden their home against wildfire.
Speakers include:
Christina Restaino -Assistant Professor and Natural Resources Specialist with University of Nevada, Reno Extension and the Director of the Living With Fire Program.
Susie Kocher -Forestry Advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension Central Sierra and is a registered professional forester
Stephen Quarles - University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus and the retired Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety Research Center.
“Post-wildfire assessments have shown that more than 60% of home ignitions are the result of wind-blown embers. The chance of home ignitions can be greatly reduced if residents create and maintain an effective defensible space on their property and take steps to harden their homes to make them more resistant to embers.”
- Dr. Steve Quarles