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Title | Thumbnail | Description | Category | Link |
Living With Fire Defensible Space Guide | Defensible Space is the buffer around a home where the vegetation has been managed to reduce the wildfire hazard. Creating defensible space increases the chance of home survival and provides a space for firefighters to safely defend the home during a wildfire event. | Defensible Space | Download | |
Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide | This Guide includes specific recommendations for how to retrofit existing components of a home to withstand wildfre. | Home Hardening, Defensible Space | Download | |
Be Ember Aware! Will YOUR home Survive when the embers arrive? | During a wildfire, thousands of embers can rain down on your roof and pelt the side of your home like hail during a storm. By being ember aware and taking action ahead of time, a homeowner can substantially reduce the ember threat. Your home CAN survive when the embers arrive. | Home Hardening | Download | |
Choosing the Right Plants for Northern Nevada's High Fire Hazard Areas | Home survival during wildfire is greatly influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation growing adjacent to the house. | Defensible Space, Vegetation Management | Download | |
Choosing the Right Plants for Northern Nevada's High Fire Hazard Areas - Lake Tahoe Basin | In response, “Choosing the Right Plants for Northern Nevada’s High Fire Hazard Areas” has been revised to indicate which plants in this publication are also included on the “TRPA Recommended Native and Adapted Plant List” and which are on the suggested “Accent Plant Guide for Lake Tahoe” list. | Defensible Space, Vegetation Management | Download | |
LIVING WITH SMOKE: How to be prepared for smoke exposure | What is in wildfire smoke. why should you be concerned about wildfire smoke, and how to protect yourseld from wildfire smoke. | Wildfire Smoke | Download | |
CodeRED in Washoe County | After evaluation of the Living With Fire Program Needs Assessment, research indicates that fire and emergency manager professionals agree that there is a strong need to educate the public on emergency alerts. What is CodeRED? CodeRED is an emergency notification system that delivers emergency messages to individuals located in affected regions, such as specific neighborhoods or communities. | Prepare for Evacuation, Fire Adapted Communities | Download | |
GUÍA DE ADAPTACIÓN DE VIVIENDAS EN CASO DE INCENDIOS FORESTALES | Esta Guía incluye recomendaciones específicas de cómo adaptar componentes existentes en una vivienda para poder resistir un incendi forestal. | En Español | Download | |
Fire Adapted Communities — The Next Step in Wildfire Preparedness (Nevada Version) | Faced with the growing potential for loss of human life and property due to wildfire, Nevada’s local, state and federal firefighting agencies and University of Nevada Cooperative Extension came together to promote the FAC concept. | Fire Adapted Communities | Download | |
Be careful! Cheatgrass is extremely flammable! | Dry cheatgrass is one of the most easily ignitable substances on Nevada’s rangelands. It is the kindling that fuels many of our wildfires. Once ignited, cheatgrass fires can travel very fast … | Vegetation Management, Defensible Space | Download | |
Fire Adapted Communities: The Next Step in Wildfire Preparedness - Lake Tahoe Basin | Faced with the growing potential for loss of human life and property due to wildfire, the Lake Tahoe Basin’s firefighting agencies, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, and University of Nevada Cooperative Extension have come together to promote the Fire Adapted Community concept and support the Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities. | Fire Adapted Communities | Download | |
Wildfire Evacuation Checklist | Wildfire Evacuation Checklist Review this information now to prepare yourself for a quick and safe evacuation. | Prepare for Evacuation | Download | |
You Know It’s a Fire Adapted Community When… | How do you know if your community is a Fire Adapted Community? It would have many of the following characteristics… | Fire Adapted Communities | Download | |
Firescaping - Landscape Design For Defensible Space | When a wildfire comes through your neighborhood, could your house survive on its own? | Home Hardening, Defensible Space, Vegetation Management | Download | |
The Combustibility of Landscape Mulches | Consequently, mulches are often promoted as being environmentally friendly and a desirable landscape practice. Unfortunately, despite the positive attributes, many mulches are combustible, a major drawback when used in home landscapes located in wildfire-prone areas | Vegetation Management, Defensible Space | Download | |
A Homeowner's Guide to Cheatgrass | Cheatgrass has a serious environmental impact on Nevada. It dries out very quickly, becoming extremely flammable. This increases the occurrence and intensity of fires in sagebrush areas. It out-competes Nevada’s native plants for soil moisture, quickly becoming the dominant form of vegetation. Nevadans living, working, or recreating in cheatgrass country should learn to identify it, take care not to ignite it, and remove it from their properties. | Vegetation Management, Defensible Space | Download | |
Fuel Management Terms for Homeowners | A list of different fuel management terms that allow for homeowners to properly manage the vegetation surrounding their home. | Defensible Space, Vegetation Management | Download | |
A Homeowner’s Guide to Planting Crested Wheatgrass | The following description for planting crested wheatgrass applies to homeowners seeding relatively small areas (less than two acres) and who do not have access to specialized rangeland seeding equipment. | Vegetation Management | Download | |
Thinning and Sanitation – Tools for the Management of Bark Beetles | Tree mortality in the Lake Tahoe Basin increased markedly during the late 1980s and early 1990s due to attacks on conifers (evergreens) by bark beetles. Over this time period, bark beetles killed at least 30% of the conifers in the Tahoe Basin. In some areas, 70% to 80% of the trees were killed. The high levels of tree mortality increase the risk of catastrophic fires in the urban-wildland interface in and around the Basin. | Vegetation Management | Download | |
After The Burn – Assessing and Managing Your Forestland After A Wildfire | By living in fire-based ecosystems, we become part of those ecosystems and influence the landscape by our activities in and around forestlands. In this light, the time after a burn can be an excellent time to achieve specific management objectives for a particular piece of ground | After the Fire | Download | |
Recovering from Wildfire: A Guide for California’s Forest Landowners | Recovering from Wildfire: A Guide for California’s Forest Landowners | After the Fire | Download | |
Taking Care of Residential Trees after Wildfire | Wildfire can affect trees in residential landscapes in a variety of ways. They can be completely or partially consumed, scorched and dried out, or merely singed. Many trees can recover after fire, depending on the intensity and duration of the burn and extent of dehydration. After a fire it is important to determine which trees might recuperate and which will need to be removed. | After the Fire, Vegetation Management | Download | |
What Grows Back After The Fire? | This fact sheet describes the response of some common northern Nevada rangeland plants to wildfire. | After the Fire, Vegetation Management | Download | |
What to Plant After Tree Loss | Across the state, but in the Sierra Nevada in particular, unprecedented numbers of trees have died on both public and private land | After the Fire, Vegetation Management | Download | |
Nevada Flood After Fire Guide | The purpose of this guide is to provide a consolidated, easy-to-use resource to help Nevada residents be prepared for a flood after a wildfire, know how to stay safe during a flood, and understand critical first steps to take following a flood to ensure safety and embark on the path to recovery. | After the Fire | Download | |
Best management practices for livestock and equine during wildfire smoke events | The intent of this article is to provide recommendations for best management practices for livestock and equine owners during wildfire smoke events. Some of these recommendations may not be applicable to owners of large quantities of livestock and/or equine. | Wildfire Smoke | Download | |
¡Cuidado con las brasas! | Durante un incendio forestal, miles de brasas pueden llover sobre su techo y caer sobre el costado de su casa como granizo durante una tormenta. Al ser consciente de las brasas y tomar medidas con antelación, un propietario puede reducir sustancialmente la amenaza de las brasas. Su hogar PUEDE sobrevivir cuando lleguen las brasas. | En Español | Download | |
INSTRUCCIONES PARA EVACUAR EN CASO DE INCENDIOS FORESTALES | Revise esta información ahora para estar preparado y evacuar de manera rápida y segura. | En Español | Download | |
VIVIR CON HUMO: CÓMO ESTAR PREPARADO EN CASO DE EXPOSICIÓN AL HUMO DE INCENDIOS | El humo de los incendios forestales es diferente dependiendo del tipo de combustible que se ha quemado (es decir, árboles, arbustos, edificios, etc.), la temperatura del incendio forestal y las condiciones del viento. En general, el humo de los incendios forestales se compone de dióxido de carbono, vapor de agua, monóxido de carbono, partículas finas, óxidos de nitrógeno, hidrocarburos y otros productos químicos orgánicos, micro minerales y miles de otros compuestos. | En Español | Download | |
CodeRED en el condado de Washoe | Después de analizar los resultados de la Evaluación de Necesidades del Programa Viviendo con Incendios, la investigación nos indica que los profesionales de manejo de incendios y emergencias están de acuerdo en que existe una gran necesidad de educar al público sobre las alertas de emergencia. | En Español | Download | |
Climate Change Impacts in Nevada | This fact sheet provides a summary of Climate Change in Nevada, a report written as part of Nevada’s State Climate Initiative. The full report is available on the Nevada Climate Initiative website, Summarized in this fact sheet are specific details about how climate change has already and will continue to impact the state of Nevada and strategies that can be used to prepare for these changes. | Fire Adapted Communities | ||
Impactos del Cambio Climático en Nevada | En este artículo, se resumen detalles específicos sobre cómo el cambio climático ya ha afectado y seguirá afectando al estado de Nevada y las estrategias que pueden utilizarse para prepararse para estos cambios. Destaca las tendencias históricas y las proyecciones futuras de algunas de las principales variables climáticas y cómo pueden afectar a la salud pública, los recursos hídricos, el medio ambiente, la hostelería y la agricultura, con el objetivo de informar mejor a los responsables de la toma de decisiones y al público en general. | En Español |