Updated Evacuation Checklist and Notifications
September 3rd, 2021The Caldor Fire has been on many of our minds, and our hearts go out to those impacted by the fire. As a reminder, it’s important to evacuate quickly and safely when asked by emergency responders. Preparing for evacuation is the best way to ensure a quick and safe evacuation.
Please look at our updated Evacuation Checklist to help you pack a Go-Bag, learn what to wear and carry while evacuating, learn how to prepare your family members, pets, and livestock, prepare your vehicle, and recommendations on how to leave the inside and outside of your home.
** Please note** We ask residents to please turn off their sprinklers or running water. These can affect the critical water pressure that firefighters need for fighting the fire.
Another way to prepare is to register for local emergency notifications. These notifications deliver emergency messages to individuals located in impacted regions, such as a specific neighborhood or community. These messages can be received via text, voicemail, email, social media, and more, depending on the notification system and ways that you would like to be notified. To register, check out your county’s emergency notification link below:
Carson City: https://www.carson.org/our-city/emergency-notification
Clark County: http://readydl.com/landing/eoc32003/index.html
Churchill: https://www.churchillcountynv.gov/list.aspx
Douglas: douglascounty.onthealert.com
Elko: (Coming Soon)
Esmeralda: * No Reverse Dialing System Available
Eureka: *No Reverse Dialing System Available
Humboldt: https://www.humboldtcountynv.gov/64/Emergency-Alert
Lander: http://www.landercountynv.org/residents/emergency_services.php
Lincoln: https://lincolncountynv.org/departments/emergency-manager/
Lyon: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/7589ADE0401F
Mineral: http://mineralcountynv.us/departments/information_links.php
Nye: https://www.nyecounty.net/alertcenter.aspx
Pershing: https://www.pershingcountynv.gov/alertsense/index.php
Storey: https://www.storeycounty.org/list.aspx?ListID=169
Washoe: https://www.washoecounty.us/em/RegionalAlerts.php
White Pine: https://www.whitepinecounty.net/64/Emergency-Alert