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Living With Fire Virtual Series, 2021
Below are the recordings and presentations from the “Living With Fire Virtual Series”, part of Nevada Wildfire Awareness Campaign, 2021.
Session 1: Firewise Landscaping
Reduce the threat of wildfire and learn about firewise landscaping around your home.
Watch the video at:
Wendy Hanson Mazet, Certified Arborist, and Extension Plant Diagnostician. She has expertise in horticulture, arboriculture, noxious weeds, and vegetable and low water use gardening.
Powerpoint Presentations:
Session 2:Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness
Watch the video at:
- Carson City Fire Department’s Deputy Emergency Manager, Jason Danen, spoke about emergency notification systems such as Code Red and other forms of communication to the public during a wildfire.
- Skyland Fire Adapted Communities’ leader and Douglas County CERT member, Ann Grant, discussed items to prep for an evacuation-go bag and a stay box.
- Living With Fire Program Manager, Jamie Roice-Gomes reviewed the Living With Fire Program website features to aid with evacuation preparation.
Powerpoint Presentations:
Session 3: Perspectives of a Wildland Fire Investigator
Watch the video at:
- Bradley Milam, Bureau of Land Management’s Fire Mitigation and Education Specialist/Fire Trespass Coordinator discussed a wildfire investigation.
- Jennifer Diamond, U.S. Forest Service – Humboldt- Toiyabe’s Forest Fire Prevention Officer, shared some fire prevention tips.
Session 4: The Timeline of Climate, Weather and Fire
Watch the video at:
Dr. Tim Brown, research professor, climatology and director of Western Regional Climate Center, discussed how weather and climate influence fire in Nevada.
Session 5: Protect, Prevent and Prepare with NV Energy
Learn how NV Energy is working with customers and partners using innovative strategies to reduce the risk of wildfire to Nevadans.
- NV Energy’s Natural Disaster Protection Plan Director, James Saavdra
- NV Energy’s Director of Delivery Operations, Zeina Randall
Powerpoint Presentation:
Session 6: Wildfire Smoke and Health
Living With Fire hosted a workshop on wildfire smoke and its potential health impacts.
Watch the video at:
- Chris Smallcomb, National Weather Service – Reno office meteorologist and public information officer, discussed smoke forecasting and models utilized to predict smoke.
- Brendan Schnieder, air quality specialist with the Washoe County Health District’s Air Quality Management Division, discussed wildfire smoke and health impacts.
Session 7: Home Hardening Q&A
Living With Fire hosted a question and answer (Q&A) workshop focused on home hardening, or building or retrofitting homes to withstand wildfire. To watch a former presentation on this topic view the link:… For more information about home hardening consult our Wildfire Home retrofit Guide at
Watch the video at:
Dr. Steve Quarles, University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus and the retired Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety Research Center.
Session 8: Reseeding and Flood After Wildfire
Living With Fire hosted a workshop about reseeding landscapes, and preparing for potential flood after wildfire.
Watch the video at:
- Anna Higgins, forester with the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF)
- Mark Freese, ecologist with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW)
- Danae Olson, project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Session 9: Prescribed Fire in Tahoe and Nevada
Learn about prescribed fire Nevada and the Lake Tahoe basin.
Watch the video at:
- Keegan Schafer, fuels management officer with the Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District
- Duncan Leao, forest fuels and vegetation program manager with the U.S. Forest Service – Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
Powerpoint Presentations:
“5 Ways to Prepare Your Family & Property for Wildfire” Zoom Workshop Series
In September, 2020 the Living With Fire Program held 5 preparedness Zoom workshops as part of the series, “5 Ways to Prepare Your Family & Property for Wildfire.”
“Living With Fire Conversations” Facebook Live Series
For Nevada Wildfire Awareness Month (NWAM) 2020 Living With Fire present a Facebook Live series “Living With Fire Conversations” about topics related to wildfire preparedness.
- Mark Regan, fire mitigation specialist NV Energy – Learn about Public Safety Outage Management (PSOM) and how to prepare for an outage
- Interagency fire restrictions in Nevada
- Marc Titus, Nevada Division of Forestry’s state coordinator of the Nevada Network of Fire Adapted Communities and Janice Roberts, chapter leader of the approved Holbrook Highlands Fire Adapted Community – Learn about becoming a Fire Adapted Community
- Evan LaGuardia , meterologist from the US National Weather Service Reno Nevada – Learn about fire weather and red flag warnings
- Melody Hefner, urban IPM and pesticide safety ed. coordinator at the University of Nevada, Reno Extension – Learn about removing weeds such as cheatgrass
Living With Fire Videos
- Be Ember Prepared
- Fire Adapted Communities: The Next Step in Wildfire Preparedness
- Learn how to assemble and transport the Ember House Youth Activity
- Living With Fire Before, During and After the Fire
- Living With Fire in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Living With Fire in the Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
- Living With Fire in the Big Sagebrush/Grass Environment
Wildfire-experience Testimonials and Other Videos
- Burbank Fire 2011 – Homeowner discusses the effectiveness of wildland fuel reduction
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Homeowner discusses how burning embers ignited his home
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Homeowner’s perspective on being prepared for wildfire
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Homeowner shows how defensible space helped save her home
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Firefighter’s perspective on the impact of burning embers during the fire
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Homeowner shares her family’s difficult evacuation experience
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Childrens’ response to the fire
- Caughlin Fire 2011 – Homeowners describe their experience with animal evacuation
- Washoe Drive Fire 2012 – Firefighter describes his experience fighting the fire
- Washoe Drive Fire 2012 – Battalion Chief talks about fire behavior
- 1/3 Mile To Safety: A Family’s Story
- Above the Ashes – A documentary by Michelle Bauer Carpenter
- Living With Fire in the Lake Tahoe Basin